Teemates Junior Program

Play Yarrambat For Less!


TeeMates is Golf Australia's new golf community which supports all kids on their golfing journeys, giving kids and teenagers awesome access to all types of golf all over Australia.

It’s fun and interactive, gives kids a chance to play golf with their peers, get a Golf Australia handicap which helps track rounds and progress, a membership gift, and the chance to get out and play events!

Everybody is welcome at TeeMates, and we just want kids to have fun and go play!


Here are just a few great things TeeMates members get access too:

  • Play 9 holes at YPGC for just $5.00! (Weekdays & Weekends after 12PM)
  • Play golf for $5 through Youth on Course venues across Australia.

  • Get an official Golf Australia handicap which allows tracks your golf and progress.

  • A membership gift

  • Opportunities to play events specifically for kids and teenagers.

  • $30 local Tour registration credit with U.S. Kids Golf


At TeeMates you have a choice of three offerings to continue your journey in golf.


Interested in getting more golf for less!? Hit the link Below! 


Step 1

Visit the Teemates registration site

Step 2

If you are an existing member log in, or if you are a new member create an account by clicking 'Renew or register TeeMates membership'

Step 3

Follow the prompts and tee up your next visit at our venue!

TripAdvisor Panel

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